
Welcome to the official website of the Grand Bal d’Italie in Brussels!


Who are we?

Com.It.Es. is a representative body of the Italian community, directly elected by Italians living abroad, representing them in their relations with the diplomatic and consular institutions and local authorities. Com.It.Es. promotes initiatives for the Italian community in the field of education, work, protection of the civil, political and social rights, in culture and leisure.  Continue reading “Who are we?”


Programme 2022

Samedi 10 décembre 2022 18:30 Cocktail de bienvenue 19:30 Dîner de gala | Associazione Cuochi Italiani in Belgio “Federazione Italiana Cuochi”, chef Angelo Galasso de Pane & Olio 21:00 Ouverture des portes 21:30 Ballet ‘Ginger e Fred’ | Tap Show Company 21:45 Danses de salon avec Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles 23:15 Ballet ‘La Strada’ | Conservatoire …