Sponsors 2024

The Embassy of Italy in Brussels plays a vital role in strengthening diplomatic relations between Italy and Belgium. It promotes Italian culture, economic cooperation, and fosters collaboration across various sectors. As an institutional partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, the Embassy supports this prestigious event, highlighting Italy’s heritage and elegance. Its involvement underscores the strong ties between the two nations and the celebration of Italian excellence.

The Italian Cultural Institute of Brussels is a leading organization promoting Italian culture, language, and arts in Belgium. Through a wide range of events, from exhibitions to lectures and performances, the Institute fosters cultural exchange and showcases Italy’s rich heritage.


The Tuscany Region, known for its rich history and cultural heritage, is a cradle of Italian art, music, and cuisine. This enchanting region gave birth to the legendary composer Giacomo Puccini, whose operas continue to captivate audiences worldwide. As a partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, Tuscany brings the elegance and artistry of Italian tradition to the event, celebrating its unique contribution to Italian culture.


The Association of Italian Chefs in Belgium is a prominent organization dedicated to promoting Italian culinary traditions and excellence. Comprising skilled chefs who share a passion for authentic Italian cuisine, the Association works to elevate the profile of Italian gastronomy in Belgium. As a partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, they contribute their expertise and creativity to create exquisite dining experiences at the event.


Progresso APM Consulting is a dynamic consultancy firm specializing in project management, strategic planning, and business development.
With a focus on innovation and tailored solutions, they help organizations achieve sustainable growth and operational excellence.
As a partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, Progresso APM Consulting brings expertise and professionalism to this prestigious event.


Fratelli Rossetti is a prestigious Italian luxury footwear brand, renowned for its craftsmanship and timeless elegance.
Founded in 1953, the company combines traditional Italian techniques with innovative design, creating high-quality shoes for men and women.
As a partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, Fratelli Rossetti embodies the essence of Italian style and sophistication. The brand’s dedication to excellence makes it a perfect match for this elegant event.


Congressman Cigars is a premium brand renowned for crafting high-quality, handmade cigars with a dedication to tradition and excellence. Blending the finest tobaccos, the brand offers a unique and luxurious smoking experience for connoisseurs. As a partner of the Grand Bal d’Italie, Congressman Cigars adds a touch of refinement and exclusivity to the event, perfectly complementing its elegant atmosphere.


A2A is a leading Italian multi-utility company, committed to sustainable development and energy efficiency. Specializing in the management of energy, water, and waste services, A2A strives to foster innovation and improve the quality of life for communities. Their involvement reflects a dedication to blending tradition with modernity, enhancing the overall experience of this prestigious event.

Programme 2024

Saturday 9th of November 2024

6:45 PM: Reception
7:15 PM: Welcome speeches by
H.E. Federica Favi, Ambassador of Italy in Belgium
Prof. Pierre Di Toro, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Brussels
7:30 PM: Seated dinner | Associazione Cuochi Italiani in Belgio “Federazione Italiana Cuochi”, chef Angelo Galasso de Pane & Olio
9:30 PM: Welcome speeches by
Alessandra Buffa, President of Comites Brussels, Brabant, and Flanders
Francesco Varriale, Consul General of Italy in Brussels
9:45 PM: Puccini Recital offered by the Italian Cultural Institute of Brussels
Soprano: Emanuela Marulli
Pianist: Tiziana Bianco
Opening Waltz – from La Bohème, “Quando m’en vo”
10:00 PM: Ballroom and Latin dances by Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles OIB (M° Angelo Gregorio)
11:30 PM: Puccini Recital, second part
Puccini to the rhythm of the waltz
Midnight: Ballroom and Latin dances
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM: International disco music with DJ Laloi

Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles

L’ Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles, founded in 2014 by Maestro Angelo Gregorio, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Composed of musicians of various nationalities, the orchestra offers a repertoire inspired by the “Golden Era” of Italian music (1930-1970). Under the direction of Angelo Gregorio, the IOB promotes Italian culture and language, blending tradition and innovation in every performance. This year, they will once again be performing at the 2024 Grand Bal d’Italie to celebrate this important milestone.

Emanuela Marulli, Soprano
Tiziana Bianco, Piano

The artistic partnership between Emanuela Marulli and Tiziana Bianco is a joyful meeting of two professionals in the world of classical music. Emanuela Marulli, soprano, and Tiziana Bianco, pianist, collaborate to bring audiences moving interpretations of classical works, with a particular focus on Italian repertoire and bel canto.

Their collaboration has been especially well-received during the centennial celebrations of Giacomo Puccini’s death in Italy and Belgium, where they continue to perform opera arias and piano pieces, winning over audiences. The synergy between Marulli’s voice and Bianco’s accompaniment creates a refined, unique, and captivating musical experience.

The Waltz Lovers

Edouard Bock – Sannerie Wuillem
Julien Delatte – Evelyne Stroobants
Xavier Oberneck – Urszula Robinson
David Serck – Isabelle Gennart
Oliver Vandecappelle – Elizaveta Palaznik
Venceslas Woronoff – Alexia Waucquez

Ymelin Wuillem – Inês de Castro

Programme 2022

Samedi 10 décembre 2022

18:30 Cocktail de bienvenue
19:30 Dîner de gala | Associazione Cuochi Italiani in Belgio “Federazione Italiana Cuochi”, chef Angelo Galasso de Pane & Olio
21:00 Ouverture des portes
21:30 Ballet ‘Ginger e Fred’ | Tap Show Company
21:45 Danses de salon avec Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles
23:15 Ballet ‘La Strada’ | Conservatoire de la danse de Bruxelles
23:45 Danses de salon
01:00 Musique disco internationale | avec DJ Laloi
03:00 Fin du gala

 Tap Show Company


Joëlle Ribant et Christophe Mergan de l’école de danse et Comédie Musicale “TAP SHOW COMPANY”.

L’école de danse Tap Show Company est spécialisée en claquettes américaines et en comédie musicale. Sous la direction de Joëlle Ribant (danseuse, chorégraphe, musicienne, comédienne et championne d’Europe de claquettes), l’école propose différentes formations. Les claquettes bien sûr, allant des débutants jusqu’au niveau professionnel, mais aussi des formations en danse, théâtre et chant, dans le contexte de la comédie musicale. Des cours de batterie sont également proposés, comme discipline rythmique sœur.
Nous accueillons aussi les plus petits (dès 6 ans), pour une initiation à la comédie musicale, de façon ludique et tenant compte de leur personnalité, pour les 3 disciplines (danse-théâtre-chant).

Parallèlement à l’école, Joëlle Ribant a développé sa propre compagnie professionnelle et propose des spectacles sur mesure pour vos événements, soirées, salons, festivals, mariages, fêtes, etc… Dans un style rétro ou plus moderne, nous avons une grande flexibilité : depuis le nombre de danseurs, jusqu’au nombre de passages. Durées des prestations et thèmes au choix.


Conservatoire de la danse de Bruxelles 


Lors du départ du chorégraphe MAURICE BEJART vers Lausanne en 1991, les studios de danse au centre de Bruxelles furent abandonnés et vendus à des particuliers. Il n’y eu plus de danse durant 15 ans dans ce bâtiment mythique du 49 rue de la Fourche.
C’est en 2013 que Jean Paul DIMMERS ancien danseur de l’école de Maurice Béjart, Mudra à Anderlecht, eu l’idée de redonner vie à ce studio où furent  créés les plus grands ballets durant les années 90.

En collaboration avec Ménia MARTINEZ, étoile internationale, danseuse et professeur au Ballet du XX° siècle, ils ont ré ouvert cet ancien Conservatoire de la danse qui fut complètement réaménagé pour accueillir les futurs jeunes danseurs en herbe. Une équipe d’excellents professeurs fut constituée et reste inchangée depuis lors, tant en danse Classique que Contemporaine.
Les plus jeunes débutent dès l’âge de 7 ans.
Chaque jour de nombreux élèves viennent transpirer durant les cours pour leur formation qui sera peut-être un jour professionnelle. Voici maintenant 9 ans que les studios tournent entre classes, chorégraphies, concours et spectacles.
Plusieurs élèves sont partis vers de nouveaux horizons professionnels tant en compagnies de danse que dans de grandes écoles dont Paris à  Ecole de l’Opéra.




Musique : Nino Rota
Orchestrée par l’ensemble Ô-celli
Chorégraphie :  Menia Martinez et Ines Cera
Interprétation : Les élèves du Conservatoire de la Danse de Bruxelles

Programme 2019

Saturday 7th of December 2019
18.30 Triumphant welcome by Alkuone
Cocktail accompanied by the notes of Fred Bongusto (1935-2019)
19.15 Welcome speech by the Italian Ambassador in Brussels, Mrs Elena Basile
19.30 Gala dinner: Gastronomic tour of Italy by chef Angelo Galasso (Pane & Olio)
21.30 Venise: Bacewicz Quartet, Concert in B minor for four violins (A. Vivaldi)
21.35 Welcome speeches
21.45 Naples: Opening waltz
22.00 Ballroom and latin dances with Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M° Angelo Gregorio)
23.15 Apulia: ‘Pizzica’ and traditional dances with Terra Nostra Gruppo Folk
23.35 Genoa: Tribute to Fabrizio De André (1940-1999) in waltz time
23.40 Savoury break offered by La Panzerottata, Consorzio Artigiani Pasticceri Bergamaschi and Campari-One hundred years of Negroni
23.45 Ballroom and latin dances with Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M° Angelo Gregorio)
00.00 Charity tombola drawing: Win prizes for all over Italy!
01.00 Disco music with dj Laloi
03.00 End of the gala
During the evening:
‘Leonardo. Gentle genius’: 500 year celebrations by the Italian Embassy in Brussels
70th anniversary Abarth by Motor Village Belgium
Roman holiday: Vespa exhibit by Garage Vincent
Sardinia: Traditional tapestry by Studio Pratha
‘Souvenir d’Italie’: Photo exhibit by Welcome in Passione Foto – Bring home an original portrait of Italy. All proceeds to Alzheimer Più project –
…and other surprises inspired from the best of Bel Paese!

Samedi 7 décembre 2019
18h30 Cocktail de bienvenue avec Alkuone sur les notes de Fred Bongusto (1935-2019)
19h15 Mot de bienvenue par l’Ambassadeur d’Italie à Bruxelles, Mme Elena Basile
19h30 Dîner de gala : tour gastronomique de l’Italie avec le chef Angelo Galasso (Pane & Olio)
21h30 Venise : Bacewicz Quartet, Concert en si mineur pour quatre violons (A. Vivaldi)
21h35 Mot de bienvenue
21h45 Naples : valse d’ouverture
22h00 Danses de salon et latines avec Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M°  Angelo Gregorio)
23h15 Apulia : ‘Pizzica’ et danses traditionnelles avec Terra Nostra Gruppo Folk
23h35 Genes : hommage à Fabrizio De André (1940-1999) en temps de valse
23h40 Pause savoureuse offerte par La Panzerottata, Consorzio Artigiani Pasticceri Bergamaschi et Campari-Cent ans de Negroni
23h45 Danses de salon et latines avec Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M° Angelo Gregorio)
OOh00 Tirage du tombola : gagnez des prix de toute l’Italie !
01h00 Musique disco internationale avec dj Laloi
03h00 Fin du gala
Au cours de la soirée :
‘Leonardo. Génie doux: célébrations des 500 ans de sa mort par l’Ambassade d’Italie à Bruxelles
70e anniversaire Abarth par Motor Village Belgium
Vacances romaines : exposition de Vespa par Garage Vincent
Sardaigne : tapisserie traditionnelle par Studio Pratha
‘Souvenir d’Italie’ : exposition de photos par Welcome in Passione Foto – Apportez à la maison un portrait original d’Italie. Les profits au projet Alzheimer Più
…et d’autres surprises inspirées du Bel Paese !

Sabato 7 dicembre 2019
18.30 Benvenuto offerto da Alkuone
Cocktail accompagnato dalle note di Fred Bongusto (1935-2019)
19.15 Indirizzo di saluto di S.E. Elena Basile, Ambasciatrice d’Italia a Bruxelles
19.30 Cena di gala: tour gastronomico dell’Italia con lo chef Angelo Galasso (Pane & Olio)
21.30 Venezia: Bacewicz Quartet, Concerto in B minore per quattro violini (A. Vivaldi)
21.35 Discorso di benvenuto
21.45 Napoli: walzer di apertura
22.00 Danze di salone e balli latini con l’Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M° Angelo Gregorio)
23.15 Apulia: ‘Pizzica’ e balli tradizioni con Terra Nostra Gruppo Folk
23.35 Genova: tributo a Fabrizio De André (1940-1999) a tempo di walzer
23.40 Degustazione offerta da La Panzerottata, Consorzio Artigiani Pasticceri Bergamaschi e Campari-Cento anni di Negroni
23.45 Danze di salone e balli latini con l’Orchestra Italiana Bruxelles (M° Angelo Gregorio)
00.00 Estrazione della lotteria: vinci premi da tutta Italia!
01.00 Musica disco internazionale con dj Laloi
03.00 Fine del galà
Nel corso della serata:
‘Leonardo. Genio dolce: celebrazione del 500° anniversario della sua scomparsa, con l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Bruxelles
70° anniversario Abarth, con Motor Village Belgium
Vacanze romane : esposizione di Vespa, con Garage Vincent
Sardegna : arazzi tradizionali, con Studio Pratha
‘Souvenir d’Italie’ : esposizione fotografica curata da Welcome in Passione Foto – Portate a casa un quadro originale dall’Italia. I ricavati andranno al progetto Alzheimer Più
…e altre sorprese ispirate dal meglio del Bel Paese !


Tombola prizes 2019







Ah, good Italian music! Gracia Live brings you to two manific concerts in Belgium!


Thanks to our sponsor Aspria Brussels Arts-Loi, you will have the opportunity to win 2 x 1 month’s subscription during the Grand Bal d’Italie 2019 on 07/12





Why not a luxury stay at the Allegroitalia Golden Palace in Turin?

A leather bag by The Bridge.


Italian fashion cannot lack! Come to Le Grand Bal d’Italie 2019 and discover which wonderful prize offered by Salvatore Ferragamo you can win!


At the Grand Bal d’Italie 2019 we want your well-being and beauty!
A treatment at Glam Beauty offered to the lucky/lucky winner of the charity raffle!


Renew your holiday look with a new man/woman haircut at Semeraro Maison de coiffure!


Who will be the gourmet winner of a dinner for 2 at Pane & Olio?








The essence of the island of Elbe at home… A fragrance of atmosphere offered by Acqua dell’Elba.


A trio of carefully selected Italian wines from ONAV Brussels







FERRERO offers 2x 3.5kg Nutella pots!










An exquisite ‘panettone’ artesan for your parties, offered by Consorzio Artigiani Pasticceri Bergamaschi.

All our guests can also taste it during our traditional ‘midnight toast’!


Who says Italy says coffee!
You can win 2 espresso coffee machines with a discovery supply of coffee pads, offered by Essse caffé.


A typical artistic ceramic from Caltagirone (Sicily), the ‘Moor’s Head’, is kindly offered for our charity raffle by Maison Sensi










From Milan with look! A fashion item offered by Come to Milan



On the occasion of the bicentennial of its realization, Librebook – Brussels offers you a special edition of the pole ‘The infinito’ of Giacomo Leopardi


We will celebrate the centenary of the birth of Primo Levi with the best known of his works, offered at our charity raffle by Librebook – Brussels

Grand Bal d’Italie 2019

Welcome to the official website of the Grand Bal d’Italie in Brussels!

The Grand Bal d’Italie is a charity gala organised by the Com.It.Es. of Brussels, Brabant and Flanders, under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Belgium, with the aims of promoting the integration of the Italian community in Belgium and raising funds to support the Italian associations working on humanitarian projects in Belgium.

The first edition took place on the 26th November 2016 at the Cercle Royal Gaulois, the second one on the 14th October 2017 and the third one on the 10th of November 2018.

The next edition will take place on the 7th of December 2019.

Com.It.Es. has the ambition to make it a key annual event for the Italian community: indeed, the Grand Bal d’Italie is the only event in Belgium, which liaises the spirit of solidarity of the international community with the Italian touch and culture. Italian music, numerous artists on stage, a gala dinner, several sponsors and a charity lottery.

A friendly event which will be the occasion to carry a message of tolerance and diversity in Europe through dance and music.

Bienvenu sur le site officiel du Grand Bal d’Italie à Bruxelles !

Le Grand Bal d’Italie est un gala de bienfaisance organisé par le Com.It.Es. de Bruxelles, Brabant et Flandres, sous le patronage de l’Ambassasade d’Italie en Belgique, afin de promouvoir l’intégration de la communauté italienne en Belgique et de recueillir des fonds pour soutenir les associations italiennes travaillant sur des projets humanitaires en Belgique.

La première édition a eu lieu le 26 Novembre 2016 au Cercle Royal Gaulois, la deuxième le 14 octobre 2017, la troisième le 10 novembre 2018.

La prochaine édition aura lieu le samedi 7 décembre 2019.

Le Com.It.Es. a l’intention d’en faire un événement phare annuel pour la communauté italienne : en effet, le Grand Bal d’Italie est un événement unique dans le territoire belge, qui lie l’esprit de solidarité de la communauté internationale avec le savoir-faire et la culture italiens. Musique italienne, de nombreux artistes en scène, un dîner de gala, plusieurs sponsors et une tombola de bienfaisance.

Un événement convivial qui sera l’occasion de porter un message de tolérance et diversité en Europe à travers la danse et la musique.

Benvenuti sul sito ufficiale del Grand Bal d’Italie a Bruxelles!

Il Grand Bal d’Italie è un galà di beneficenza organizzato dal Com.It.Es. di Bruxelles, Brabante e Fiandre, con il patrocinio dall’Ambasciata d’Italia in Belgio, al fine di promuovere l’integrazione della comunità italiana in Belgio e di raccogliere fondi per sostenere le associazioni italiane che lavorano su progetti umanitari in Belgio

La prima edizione ha avuto luogo il 26 novembre 2016 presso il Cercle Royal Gaulois, la seconda il 14 ottobre 2017 e la terza il 10 novembre 2018.

La prossima edizione si terrà sabato 7 dicembre 2019.

Il Com.It.Es. ha l’ambizione di farne un evento annuale che sia un punto di riferimento per la comunità italiana: in effetti, il Grand Bal d’Italie, è un evento unico sul territorio belga, che coniuga lo spirito di solidarietà della comunità internazionale con il savoir-faire e la cultura italiani. Musica italiana, numerosi artisti in scena, una cena di gala, vari sponsors e una lotteria di beneficenza.

Un evento conviviale che sarà l’occasione per portare un messaggio di tolleranza e diversità in Europa attraverso la danza e la musica.


Event under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Belgium

Evento con il patrocinio dall’Ambasciata d’Italia in Belgio

Sous le patronage de l’Ambassasade d’Italie en Belgique